- Vitamin Veil Cleanser (PM Only) Soybean Oil Based Nonfoaming
- Cleansing Gel with Salicylic (AM Only) Foamy Gel cleanser with Antiseptic Action, Reduces Sebum
- White Willow & Juniper Clearing Mist (Apply to Clean AM and PM)
- Daytime Control (AM Only) Controls Excess Sebum Throughout Day
- Nighttime Control (PM Only) Controls and Eliminates Follicle Congestion
- Spot Stop (Three to Four Times a day. Only on affected areas) Germicidal, Anti-inflammatory
- Light Day Sunscreen Broad Spectrum SPF-37
In Office Follow Up
- Oxygen RX Facial (Helps to Replace the Ruddy-look Associated with Acne, Rosacea and Broken Blood Vessels)
- Micro channeling (Stimulates Your Body’s Own Natural Ability to Generate Collagen, Elastin and Other Building Blocks of Healthy Skin)
- Monthly Facial