- Vitamin Veil Cleanser (AM, PM) Soybean Oil Based Nonfoaming
- Aloe & Calendula Calming Mist (Anytime) Calming Sensitive, Réactive, Rosacea
- Chrono-Calm (AM, PM) Redness, Mild inflammation, Visible capillaries
- Rose Ease Relief Cream (AM, PM – Affected Areas Only) Red, Irritated Skin, diagnosed with Rosacea
- Post Peel Balm (AM, PM) Anti-Inflammatory and Regenerative Properties
- Light Day Sunscreen Broad Spectrum SPF-37
In Office Follow Up
- Oxygen RX Facial (Helps to Replace the Ruddy-look Associated with Acne, Rosacea and Broken Blood Vessels)
- SWiCH Dermal Rejuvenation (Alternative to Chemical Peels) – Takes Advantage of the Skin’s Natural Repair Mechanism Without Causing Damage
- MicroChanneling (Stimulates Your Body’s Own Natural Ability to Generate Collagen, Elastin and Other Building Blocks of Healthy Skin)
- Monthly Facial