Home Care - Rosacea

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  1. Vitamin Veil Cleanser (AM, PM) Soybean Oil Based Nonfoaming
  2. Aloe & Calendula Calming Mist (Anytime) Calming Sensitive, Réactive, Rosacea
  3. Chrono-Calm (AM, PM) Redness, Mild inflammation, Visible capillaries
  4. Rose Ease Relief Cream (AM, PM – Affected Areas Only) Red, Irritated Skin, diagnosed with Rosacea
  5. Post Peel Balm (AM, PM) Anti-Inflammatory and Regenerative Properties
  6. Light Day Sunscreen Broad Spectrum SPF-37

In Office Follow Up

  1. Oxygen RX Facial (Helps to Replace the Ruddy-look Associated with Acne, Rosacea and Broken Blood Vessels)
  2. SWiCH Dermal Rejuvenation (Alternative to Chemical Peels) – Takes Advantage of the Skin’s Natural Repair Mechanism Without Causing Damage
  3. MicroChanneling (Stimulates Your Body’s Own Natural Ability to Generate Collagen, Elastin and Other Building Blocks of Healthy Skin)
  4. Monthly Facial